We understand that there are other places you can go to buy your books. If you give us your email address when you check out, we’ll automatically enroll you in our loyalty program, which is kind of like those cards they give you in coffee shops, but better because (a) there’s no actual card (it’s on our computer so you don’t even have to bring anything with you) and (b) it’s books, which are about the only thing better than, you know, actual coffee.

Basically, for every twelve books you buy, we’ll give you the next one for free.

Less basically, how it works is this: once you buy twelve books, we’ll average the amount you spent for those books and give you a voucher for that average purchase price to spend on whatever you want in the shop. Put another way, if you buy mainly hardbacks, you’ll get the price of a hardback book, and if you buy mainly paperbacks, you’ll get the price of a paperback book.