We love to do book-related events at Skylark. Bringing authors and poets to Columbia is one of the best parts of this job.  Our events are usually focused on recently published books, with a focus on literary fiction and nonfiction. We set our schedule at least two to three months in advance.

We do not charge to host events, nor do we pay artists to present in our space.  We encourage authors and publicists to take a look at our events information page to get a sense of the scope of our programming.

If you would like to propose an event at Skylark, please email us at mail@skylarkbookshop.com, with the following information:

  • Information about the book, including the title, publication date, and publisher, together with a brief description.

  • Why you feel this book is a good fit for Skylark’s events calendar (local connection, appealing to our audiences, etc.)

  • Information about the author’s platform and plans for publicizing the event

  • What you have in mind for the date range and event format

  • Praise or reviews from well-known authors or others in the field, especially if they are willing to support an event as an interviewer or with promotion

Sometimes we request a copy of the book in order to allow us to evaluate whether the event would be a good fit for us.