Low Sensory Sundays

We are often told - and we love to hear! - how beautiful visitors find the shop. There’s a lot to enjoy - the lofty ceilings, the bright airy feel, the laughter and conversations, variations of musical adventures (depending on who is in charge of the playlist), and, of course, all the lovely books.

That said, sometimes our favorite moments in the shop are when we’re alone, when the lights are minimal, everything is quiet, and we don't have to talk to anyone. So we would like to extend that experience to all of you - whether you have sensory needs, preferences, or just want a softer space to enjoy. We are designating the first hour of the last Sunday of every month to this goal, and we’re calling it Low Sensory Sundays. The lights will be low. The music will be off. Chatter will be as minimal as possible. We won't come to you, you can come to us if you need assistance. We ask that customers also meet these goals to the best of their ability. Disability Awareness Month seems the perfect time to kick this off.

We look forward to gently enjoying the morning with you this Sunday!