The, er, Madness of March

To say that we at Skylark are basketball fans is a bit of an understatement…

To say that we at Skylark are basketball fans is a bit of an overstatement…

Basketball is a thing we have heard about.  And with all the talk of brackets and competition, we thought it would be fun to get in on all the excitement.  That is why this year we are starting our own book bracket with its own legally distinct and absolutely 100% non trademark infringing name: Skylark Bookshop and the Madness of March!

Our amazingly talented booksellers have chosen several of their top recommendations and we added a couple of the shop's top sellers to the mix to wind up with a bracket (above) full of all sorts of wonderful titles.  Every week for the next four weeks, You (literally you, the person reading this) can come into the shop and help these titles fight to the death to become the Skylark Madness of March 2024 champion!  Aside from bragging rights, every week when you vote you get more opportunities to win Skylark goodies!

As an added bonus, whichever bookseller’s book wins, or gets the furthest if a wildcard wins, becomes the Madness of March 2024 Bookseller Champion!  We aren’t fully sure what that means yet, but we will probably embarrass them and make them give a victory speech via social media or something like that.

To briefly recap:  

  1. We have at least heard of a sport.  

  2. We have a non-trademark infringing bracket.  (Alex is a lawyer and he says it’s 100% legit)

  3. You could get free stuff.